Testing Xpert – Leading With Strategy

Xplorafory Test, Distans
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Testing Xpert – Leading With Strategy


Are you stuck in your career and want to take the next step?

If you’re a seasoned tester, “Testing Xpert” is designed to elevate your skills and empower you as a leader in software testing. Join “Testing Xpert” today and embark on a journey that will set you on the path to becoming a leader in software testing. 

This course is your gateway to elevating your career in software testing. Geared towards aspiring Test Leaders. 

Do you want to become a test leader and be able to craft a test strategy?

Discover the power of steering your team with precision. Uncover the secrets of crafting test strategies that not only ensure comprehensive software testing but also align with your organization’s goals. From risk assessment to resource optimization, we guide you through every facet of effective test leadership.

By the end, you’ll not just be a tester; you’ll be a Test Leader armed with a strategic mindset. Your ability to navigate the complexities of software testing will set you apart, propelling your career to new heights. Elevate your role, influence outcomes, and become the leader your team relies on.

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This course is formed to suit seasoned testers. A perfect course for you who want to take the nexts step.

Did you know that this training can be carried out as an in-house training for your company? In some situations, it is even better to have a company-internal training than an open course.

In a situation where several people in the same organization need to undergo training, a company-adapted solution is a good and cost-effective alternative.

Together, we can adapt the content to your organization’s way of working, with, for example, exercises based on your own business.

Examen & Intyg

Digital certificate that can be added to your LinkedIn profile.


Jonas Breisel

I’ve been doing this for over 13 years. I also struggled with finding good material to learn from.

The big change for me came when I started to activate myself outside working hours. I meet fellow testers. I got great tips on material to study. The biggest change came when I come over the ideas I am going to share with you in this course.

I’ve tested everything from small systems to so big you can´t see the end point. I have helped many companies set up their testing from scratch to a well functioning CI/CD-flow.

WARNING: I can´t tell you that you will do exact this, because I don´t know you… but I will give you the secrets you need to be a great tester.

I’ve helped hundreds of people like you before. To learn how to perform great software testing and think like a tester.


After the course you will be able to

🧠Explore the Mindset of a Tester:Understand what it takes to excel in software testing and become a true expert.

What it takes to take a project from start to end and a released product:Learn which parts that are needed and how to implement them.

📈Discover the Importance of Reporting:Learn to communicate test results effectively, making your testing efforts more impactful.

👑Delve into Test Leadership:Uncover the role and responsibilities of a test leader and gain the knowledge you need to lead with confidence.

🏗️Master Test Architecture:Find out what it means to be a test architect and how you can architect testing solutions for success.

🛠️Differentiate Test Strategy from QA Process:Clear the confusion and grasp the distinctions between these critical aspects of testing.

📝Craft Effective Test Strategies:Learn the art of designing a winning test strategy that ensures top-notch software quality.

🌟Shape a Robust QA Process:Create a QA process that aligns with your organization’s goals and maximizes efficiency.

💪Work with Confidence Levels:Gain insights into evaluating the reliability of your testing processes and results.


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4353 Göteborg

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