Berghs opened up my eyes

David Prentell, 26 years old took an intro course at Berghs and then did the one-year program Interactive Communication – Digital Director. He is now working as a Creative Planner at AKQA London. Susanna did her first semester of her Bachelor Degree at Berghs School of Communication. After Berghs, Susanna continued her studies at Billy Blue College of Design where she found the graphic design focus that she was looking for.

Here, you can read more about their experiences at Berghs and what they learned from their educations.

Berghs School of Communication

BerghsDavid's Works as Creative Planner at AKQA 

David Prentell, 26 years old took an intro course at Berghs and then did the one-year program Interactive Communication – Digital Director. After one year he was accepted into Berghs internship-year Interactive Academy and is now Creative Planner at AKQA London. Here he answers our questions about life at and after Berghs.

What do you miss the most with your time at Berghs?

  • The community-feeling between the classes
  • The creative spirit in the building
  • The dream-briefs that you never really get in real life

What do you miss the least?

  • Some students' need to think 'art' before communication
  • The week of noodle diet before economical student aid
  • The smell of China food in the stairs

Was it hard to get a job after finished studies?

No, but it was hard to find the place that would suit me. As soon as I knew I wanted to get to AKQA it was fairly easy. I simply aimed all my portfolio and social media presence towards them for three months in order to persuade them when I finally got to the interview. And whilst there, I only had to be myself.

What was it like to meet realty after your time at Berghs?

Great! Berghs is really building a solid platform of characteristics for the students. Then it's up to each student to top that with your own qualities, interests and ambitions. I got the chance to do an internship as Art Director at Molecular in Boston and I felt I had something solid to lean on.

What's your strongest memory from Berghs?

Wow, I have a great deal of strong memories. If I really have to pick one I think it would be when my girlfriend and I received second prize as Students of the Year in Stockholm City Hall over a banquet dinner with our closest friends and family. We went out and partied all night and took the plane straight to New York. When we got there we attended another ceremony when our team received a pen in One Show College Competition – one of the world's most prestigious advertising festivals.

What's your advice to someone who wants to get into Berghs?

I was in the kind of situation in life when I wanted to throw a U-turn and change career entirely. I had started two event firms and felt it was definitely time to move on. If you're in a similar situation in life you should apply – it can be one step towards your big dream. Don't stress too much about the application assignments, if you have the right mindset it'll show. If it's something you're especially interested in, emphasize that – interests make people interesting.

BerghsSusanna Designs Sydney Billboard Campaign

The former Berghs Bachelor student Susanna Livijn Wexell’s work is going to attract a new generation of creatives to Billy Blue College of Design. Susanna has never been afraid of asking questions when she doesn’t understand and has never been afraid of developing her own creative style. Maybe that’s why Billy Blue asked her to design their most recent Sydney billboard campaign.

Susanna did her first semester of her Bachelor Degree at Berghs School of Communication. ”The semester at Berghs opened up my eyes to a field that I wasn’t that familiar with beforehand.” After Berghs, Susanna continued her studies at Billy Blue College of Design where she found the graphic design focus that she was looking for.

The Sydney-school asked former Berghs Bachelor student and recently graduated Billy Blue-student Susanna Livijn Wexell, to present and promote the programs in a Sydney-underground billboard campaign.

“I wanted to inform people about Billy Blue and its programs, but in a discrete way so that you have to reflect upon what you see.” Only one month from the day she got the task from Billy Blue’s marketing department, Susanna’s billboards were up in Sydney’s metro train stations. “I worked so hard to create this campaign. I pretty much locked myself into my room to create models with a million things everywhere.”

Why Berghs Bachelor and why Billy Blue?

At Billy Blue the students work close to the industry integrating real life with schoolwork. “If you want to work with students from other programs you can, but it’s not as developed here as it is at Berghs”, Susanna explains. “The most positive aspect about having studied in Australia is that I’ve found my own style. Perhaps studying in Sweden naturally leads to you being molded into that typically Scandinavian minimalistic sense of design and style.”

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